1. Experience: 20 Plus Years In The Business.
  2. Track Record: Over A Billion Dollars In Closed Sales.
  3. Trust: Scores Of Testimonials From Past Clients.
  4. Local Expertise: Unrivaled Knowledge Of The Southern California Luxury Market. Lived and Worked In Los Angeles County For Over 40 Years.
  5. Brokerage: Member Of The Agency, A Superior Global Brand!
  6. Reach: Local, National, and International Presence
  7. Marketing: Understands how to execute & manage effective and successful marketing campaigns.
  8. Deal Competency: Deep Understanding Of How To Gauge Leverage, Protect Clients From Financial Exposure, And Procure The Best Possible Result In Each Transaction.
  9. Available 24/7: No Barriers Of Contact. No Passing The Baton To Junior Associates To Run Deals. Present On Every Transaction!
  10. Clear Focus: Specializing Exclusively In The Luxury Sector Of Southern California Residential Real Estate Marketplace.

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