The real estate world has shifted to the online universe. There are several crucial print and grass roots marketing platforms that need to be utilized when advertising a property sale.

1) Open House Signage:  It’s not sufficient to put out four to five open house signs minutes before an open house.  My standards and practices, typically call for fifteen to twenty signs to be placed out in a neighborhood for maximum visibility (many agents fail in this regard).  Open house signs go up on caravan days at four to five in the morning.  Saturday and Sunday open house signs go up at nine to ten in the morning.  Reason: I want as many commuters/neighbors to be aware of the new listing.   I want the “riff-raff” coming in during the open because it creates a sense of urgency for “real buyers.”  Buyers do not know who is real, and who is not (buyers utilize open house days to preview properties, so this activity swirling around during the open, creates a sense of demand).  The big myth surrounding open houses is that you are putting out signage to attract buyers.  This is not the case.  Real buyers are on purpose. They are looking online daily for new listings.  Real buyers are not looking at open house signs for direction.  They already know the information.  The signage is therefore utilized to get the all-important riff-raff into the home

2) Westside MLS Guide:   It’s the “Hollywood Reporter” for Westside agents.  Valley agents don’t utilize this magazine as much; if at all.  The advertisement acts as a nice complement to e-blasts & social media posts on a property launch.   MLS Guide Ad examples.

3) Just Listed Postcards: I send out five hundred to a thousand postcards to homes immediately surrounding the subject property.  The objective here is to inform neighbors about your property (once in a while a neighbor will have a friend looking in the area).  It also helps in getting more riff-raff to the open houses to set the stage for real buyers, as mentioned above. Just Listed Postcard examples.

4) Just Listed Flyers: In some circumstances, I circulate Just Listed Flyers to five hundred to a thousand homes surrounding the subject property (estate properties typically don’t apply/some condo complexes don’t apply either).  Once again; with the intention of getting the riff-raff into the home during open houses.  (The Just Listed Flyer mirrors the e-blast that is sent out to agents locally/nationally/internationally). The Just Listed Flyers mirror the e-blast graphics for consistency and continuity.  Just Listed Flyer examples.

5) For Sale Signs: I always attach a “Property Website URL Rider” to signage.  Everyone has a smartphone.  A potential buyer can easily take down that information and access the property details on their phone or mobile device.  It allows the potential buyer to access the information without scrolling through a cumbersome app or website. 


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